
Tax and Corporate pitfalls for entrepreneurs, start-ups and growth companies – what you should and what you should not do…

The workshop will provide you with an overview and hands-on pragmatic advice combined with case studies of the most crucial aspects when it comes to an efficient tax and corporate structuring of a startup or growth company. From startup through fundraising and financing rounds, incoming (international?) investors until exit – each step offers important tax and corporate issues you should be aware of in order to benefit from existing structuring opportunities. These can save you a lot of money and will ensure a more hassle free life in business when you scale and grow a company or wish to exit your investment at some later stage. Tax aspects: The workshop will explain how tax loss carry forwards work and how to utilize them when the company will grow. The workshop will summarize the most important pros and cons of different management and employee participation structures so that you will be able to avoid tax issues. And it will provide you with knowledge about proper tax structuring in order to enjoy a tax efficient exit. Corporate aspects: We will provide you with a brief overview on how fundraising and VC investments are typically structured. Plus we will discuss what corporate pitfalls you should observe and be aware of either from an investor, founder or company respectively management perspective.

Feb 27 From 11:30 until 12:30 Europe/Berlin
Attendee limit
11 / Unlimited